Monday, April 24, 2017

Week of April 24

Congratulations to all of the 2nd Graders on making their First Communion! This week the students will learn ways to use the Eucharist after leaving Mass. The students will understand what it means to become what you receive. We will discuss ways to serve others and fulfill our sacred mission.

Everyday Math
Unit 10 continues. The students will review place value early in the week. Students will identify values of numbers into the 1,000's and 10,000's. There will be a Unit 10 Review on Thursday and Unit Assessment Friday. Please look for a study guide Thursday evening!

Daily 5
Daily 5 routines and Guided Reading groups Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mini-Lessons: Text Features

Being a Writer
The students will continue their biography research. Each student will take Power Notes (a modern outline) and turn their learning into an informative report. Students will share information about their person's early life, fame and service to others!

Students will celebrate Earth Day on Monday! They will research ways to care for and preserve the Earth using the Pebble Go app on student iPads. On Wednesday, our study of space starts! The students will be able to identify and list features of objects visible in the night sky.