Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week of November 13

Image result for thank you kids
Thank you St. Francis families for your generosity at the Bid for the Kids Auction 2017! We are very grateful for your generosity and love for this school.  It is a true blessing. 
With heartfelt gratitude, Mrs. Waters, Miss Neugent, Mrs. Kock
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*Students will complete an Examination of Conscience
*Listen to the story of The Prodigal Son
*Understand why the father in the story was so forgiving
*Connect to the mercy and love of our forgiving father, God

*Weekly time tests continue
*Review how to solve frame and arrow tasks
*Practice coin exchanges and how to make values using various combinations of coins
*Unit 3 Review
*Unit 3 Assessment

*Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work & Listen to Reading
*Mini Lesson: Common Nouns vs Proper Nouns

*Veteran's Day remembrance and observation
*Identify state and country capital names and locations on a map
*Using Pebblego, begin to research the roles of a mayor, governor and president

*Publish scary stories
*Illustrate a cover
*Free journal writing time
*Author's Chair sharing