Monday, January 7, 2019

Week of January 7th

*Recognize Sunday as the Epiphany of the Lord
*Holy Trinity Study
*Identify God as Father and list characteristics of God
*Compare God to our own fathers/parents
*Define trust
*Help students understand our call to trust God

*Parallel vs nonparallel lines
*Identifying and creating quadrilaterals
*Explorations on geometry concepts
*Time Tests continue ~ weekly practice
~Pre-test Monday; Post-test Friday (unless 98-100 on pretest)
~Goal is three seconds per problem

*Mini-Lesson: Nonfiction Text Features
*Daily 5 routines
*Guided Reading groups

*Continents and Oceans Unit
*Learn the seven continent names and their location
*Learn the five ocean names and their location
*Identify Canada and Mexico as the countries north and south of the USA
*Sing "The Continents Song"

*Nonfiction writing
*Listen to tradebooks on polar lands, animals and people
*Generate a list of questions about the polar regions
*Practice writing facts into a summary using complete sentences and transition words
*Practice handwriting, spelling, capital letters and ending punctuation