Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week of April 29th

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*Finish First Eucharist unit with Chapter 8: We Go Forth
*Celebrate the students who have made their First Communion
*Share their experiences to get those receiving next weekend excited and prepared
*Listen to the story of Pentecost

*Unit 9 Measurement
*Measure same items twice using inches and centimeters
*Measuring long distances ~ adding miles to create routes
*Measurement stations and challenge tasks to support new learning
*Time Tests continue ~ weekly practice
~Pre-test Monday; Post-test Friday (unless 98-100 on pretest)
~Goal is three seconds per problem

*Mini-Lesson: Identifying the main idea of a multiparagraph text
*Daily 5 routines
*Guided Reading groups

*Weather Unit
*Recognize clouds as a part of the water cycle
*Identify and describe three types of clouds: cirrus, cumulus and stratus
*Describe the events of the water cycle
*Name tools used measure weather and their function
*Research extreme types of weather in small groups

*Celebrate National Poetry Month
*Begin poetry study ~ students will listen to poetry, read poetry and write poetry
*Types of poetry ~ Couplet, Haiku, Acrostic, Hink Pink and Cinquain
*Begin short story writing unit
*Listen to stories that have strong characters
*Practice handwriting, spelling, capital letters and ending punctuation