Monday, February 6, 2017

Week of January 30

Everyday Math
Unit 6 comes to an end this week. The students will look at arrays and equal grouping problem solving tasks on Monday and Tuesday. There will be a unit review on Wednesday morning and Unit 6 Assessment on Thursday. Please look for a review page to come home.

Daily 5
Daily 5 routines and Guided Reading groups Monday, Tuesday, Thursday& Friday.
Mini-Lessons: Identifying Main Idea & Details in a non-fiction text

Being a Writer
The students will focus on non-fiction writing. The students will gather facts using a main idea and details graphic organizer called "Boxes and Bullets". We will model how to write a paragraph using a topic sentence, supporting details and ending sentence. The students will have time to practice this skills with support and independently this week.

Our habitats unit begins this week. The students will learn what a habitat is and focus on different groups of animals that live in habitats. The students will be able to identify defining characteristics of mammals, reptiles and birds.